As a landlord, what should i be doing about repair and maintenance during the Coronavirus

Thursday, April 9, 2020


As a landlord, am I obliged to repair and maintain my property during Coronavirus?

Another one of our most asked questions is how we are supposed to maintain properties with the restriction of movement and isolation currently in place. Therefore, we have put together this guide for our landlords.  

  1. Landlords’ repair and obligations have not changed, and it is in the best interests of both tenants and landlords to ensure that properties are kept in good repair and free from hazards. 
  2. While inspections may be more difficult at this time, that is no reason to allow dangerous conditions to persist. 
  3. Tenants should be encouraged as always to inform us of any issues with the condition of their property. 
  4. Tenants and landlords should take a pragmatic, common-sense approach to non-urgent issues which are affected by COVID-19 related restrictions.   

What if my boiler breaks, or something else happens which is urgent or risk to health? 

Where reasonable and safe for you, and in line with other Government guidance, tenants should allow local authorities, landlords or contractors access to the property in order to inspect or remedy urgent health and safety issues.  

Urgent health and safety issues include but are not limited to:  

  • If there is a problem with the fabric of your building, for example the roof is leaking 
  • If your boiler is broken, leaving you without heating or hot water 
  • If there is a plumbing issue, meaning you don’t have washing or toilet facilities 
  • If your white goods such as fridge or washing machine have broken, meaning you are unable to wash clothes or store food safely 
  • If there is a security-critical problem, such as a broken window or external door 
  • If equipment a disabled person relies on requires installation or repair  

How can a tenant keep themselves safe if a contractor is visiting their home? 

Contractors and tenants must: 

  1. Follow sensible precautions to keep themselves safe as outlined in public health guidance found here 
  2. Take additional measures such as remaining in separate rooms during any visits. 
  3. Follow Government advice on hygiene and cleanliness before, during and after visits including keeping 2 meters at all times between tenants and contractors as well as washing hands before and after visits  

Anyone with Covid-19 symptoms, self-isolating or shielding from the virus, should not allow contractors or visitors of any kind into their home (unless there is a risk of danger, risk to health or risk to life) for a minimum of 14 days from when the symptoms start and should follow the latest government guidelines 

What about Gas Safety Certificates? 

If a Gas Safety Certificate is required, it will be booked in if both the tenant and contractor are adhering to all the Government guidelines regarding isolation, well-being and distancing. The Government has stated that if a Gas Safety Certificate is required and cannot be carried out, then the previous certificate may be valid for up to 3 weeks past its expiry date. PLEASE contact us if you have any concerns about Gas Safety Certificates around your own property.